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Common Health and Fitness Terms

Aerobic Exercise - the word aerobic means "with oxygen". These are activities where oxygen from the blood is required to fuel the body; eg cycling and running.

Amino Acids - building blocks of protein. There are 24 different amino acids that combine to form various proteins.

Antioxidants - specific vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that protect the body against free-radicals.

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) - rate at which the body burns calories over a 24 hour period, while at complete rest.

Body Fat Percentage - the percentage of fat in the body.

Body Mass Index (BMI) - a formula that relates a person's weight to their height. The formula is: kg/m*m), where kg is the person's weight, and m*m is the person's height in (m) squared.

Circuit Training - method of weight training using 10-12 exercises for the complete body. They are performed in succession with only short rest periods, hence gaining both anaerobic and aerobic benefits.

Compound Movements - consists of movement in 2 or more joints using 2 or more muscles to raise the weight.

Dehydration - refers to insufficient intake of fluids, especially water.

Flexibility - the ability to flex and extend the body's joints through their full range of motion.

Free Radicals - highly reactive molecules that are known to damage muscle fibers, inflamation, fatigue, and suppresion of the immune system.

Glycemic Index - ranting system that denotes how quickly a food is converted into glucose in the blood stream. A lower glycemic index means a slower rate of absorption.

Insulin - a hormone that is essential for the correct maintenance level and metabolism of blood sugar.

Interval Training - training system where the intensity levels are changed on a regular basis, allowing you to gradually attain a higher level of intensity.

Isolation Movements - consists of movements using one joint and the use of one muscle to raise the weight.

Lean Body Weight (LBW) - a persons's total body weight - weight of body fat.

Minerals - essential dietary nutrients that are responsible for a number of biological functions ranging from muscle growth, fat metabolism, good health, and a catalyst for bodily functions.

One Rep Maximum (1RM) - the maximum amount of weight that you can life in good form, one time.

Periodization - the changing of training intensity over a period of days, weeks and months.

Resistance Training - the use of weights to build lean muscle tissue.

Stabilizer Muscles - muscles used to hold a bone in place while there is motion with other bones that move with the stabilized bone.

Static Stretching - consists of slowly moving in to your extremem range of motion and holding that position for certain amount of time.

Strength - the application of force in any activity or exertion.

Supplement - concentrated forms of nutritional components, such as minerals, vitamins, and amino acids taken to enhance the nutritional value of food.

Target Zone - an area that you keep your heart rateat a 10 second count based on your age and your resting heart rate. The formula is; ((220-age-resting heart rate)*(.6,.8)+resting heart rate)/6.

Vegan - individuals that ony consume plant products. They do no consume meat, poultry, or daily products.

Vitamins - organic food substances present in animals and plants. They are responsible for a number of biological functions such as muscle growth, health, metabilism, and a catalyst for bodily functions.

Warm-Up - an pre-workout routine that prepares the body for more vigorous exercise. It usually consists of light, progressive movements that stimulate the muslces, heart and lungs.

Water Intake - the amount of water required by the body to stay hydrated. The general formula is; body weight in lbs * 0.6 oz.

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